
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yeah, RoCkEtS!!

Here we are at the end of the club volleyball season.  Den and I are so incredibly proud of our nine thirteen year-olds!  We had a great tournament last weekend at CR Prairie.  We finally beat our club mates, the 13 Silver team for the first time all season and captured first place before we head to Des Moines this weekend for regionals.  Our ladies are some wacky, crazy girls.  Wanted to share some pics to show you exactly what we're dealing with...

They thought the side ponies would give them a little boost of energy after twelve hours of volleyball!

Second place at CR Washington!

First place at CR Prairie!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

12 Weeks to go...

I never thought I would be saying that.  Twelve weeks to go! 

We had our 28 week appointment yesterday and all is fantastic.  I've been having Braxton Hicks for about six days now, which is a little alarming considering we're still three months away from meeting our little peanut.  The doc checked us out and said he isn't going any where any time soon.  Phew!!  I measured in at 28 (cm) which is exactly where my belly should be (and my weight was perfect, too).  My days are a little more difficult considering I have three year olds biding for my attention all day, and bending over without losing my lunch just doesn't happen any more.  I can't believe we are 3/4 of the way there.  Seems just like yesterday I couldn't believe I was eight weeks along.  It really has flown by!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home!!

We found it!!!  And, I couldn't be more relieved.  Our first home is beautiful, and everything Dennis and I could ask for.  There is plenty of space for out of town (or in town) visitors! :)  We've actually made the move back to Iowa City instead of staying put in North Liberty and we're located about 17 seconds from I-80, which is just a miracle.  We move in May 1st, which will quickly be followed by nesting mode in order to get ready for Mikey.  We are SO, SO VERY EXCITED (I'm smiling as I type this)!!  Everything is coming together.  I just keep asking how lucky are we?
Home sweet home!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It keeps growing... and growing...

Here's my latest belly pic (taken at 25 weeks, 4 days)!  Michael Lincoln is starting to take over!!  :)

It's 2:23 in the morning...

And, I'm wide awake.  Argh.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

24 Weeks Down...

(Again, a little overdue.  We're actually 26 weeks as of today)

We had our 24 week appointment, well, almost two weeks ago now.  All is well in Michael Lincoln land.  I've gained a grand total of 11 pounds, my belly is right where it needs to be (25 cm fundal height) and he's little heartbeat came in in the solid 160s.  PERFECT!!  No big aches and pains yet, except the little peanut seems to be a fan of the right side of my ribs.  They are so incredibly sore, it's hard to sit or stand for any extended period of time.  The next big step for us is choosing a pediatrician, which only means more research for mommy!!  The wonderful news about this is the University has an amazing staff of physicians.  I am pretty sure we could go with any one of them and they would take wonderful care of our son's health.   Now, if only I could get healthy.  In the last three weeks I've had a GI bug, the flu and two ear infections.  My body sure is doing a wonderful job protecting the peanut, but not fairing too well when it comes to me.  New belly pics coming soon... I can't believe this is my body! :)

It's a Busy Time of Year!!

This is coming a little late, but we wanted to wish everyone celebrating a March birthday HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES!!  The list goes on and on and on...

(To be Auntie) Gabrielle Sophia - March 2nd
(To be Auntie) Laura - March 7th
(To be Great Auntie) Auntie Pamela - March 8th
(To be Great Grandma) Gramma/Barbara - March 11th
(To be Great Auntie) Auntie Debbie K. - March 17th
(To be Grandpa) - March 19th
(To be Great Papa) Pops - March 22nd
(To be second cousin) Tyler - March 22nd
(To be Great Uncle) Uncle Bobby - March 25th
(To be Auntie) Megan Elizabeth - March 29th

*And on a special note...


We love you all so very much!  Kimberly and Dennis

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We're Registered!!

This is a little overdue...

Wow, that was a ton of work!!  Much was accomplished last weekend.  Our baby shower was penciled onto the calendar, and in doing so made Dennis and I do something I've been somewhat dreading... REGISTER!  My mom, my aunts and my Nana are going to be throwing a bash in honor of Michael Lincoln's pending arrival on May 16th in Schererville at my Aunt Cindy's house.  I'm just so darn excited to be seeing some family that will travel into town for it.  As far as registering is concerned, someone has got to find a way to make this an easier process.  For instance, instead of making ten different play pens make one really fantastic one!!  Dennis and I took the afternoon and headed to SuperTarget in Cedar Rapids thinking we would get more of a selection.  Oh boy, did we.  But, as those ladies wearing red and smiles handed Dennis (yes, Dennis) the "gun" they forgot to mention to us that the selection online was never-ending.  We spent a few hours picking this and that, all things that they have on the must-have list.  Registering was far from over at this point, because I still had access to the internet at home.  I know I'm a first timer and I probably don't need to go by all the lists, in fact I know I don't.  So, someone please give me the real must-have list!!  You can find our registry at under either Dennis or myself.  Please let me know if you see anything that needs tweeking...