
Friday, May 29, 2009

I Heart Land of Nod!!

As I mentioned in the baby shower post Dennis' parents and my parents were so incredibly generous and blessed us with our little boy's nursery furniture!  We fell in love with the sleigh crib and dresser from the Land of Nod a few months ago, and now I can't believe it is actually in my house.  Jane hauled both pieces out to Iowa on Tuesday, and by Wednesday morning Michael's room was my favorite spot in the house.  First of all, let me preface this with LAND OF NOD YOU ARE PHENOMENAL!  While ordering the furniture there were a few hiccups because we live out in the middle of nowhere.  Land of Nod's customer service department went out of their way to make sure we received our furniture on time with a few perks.  Needless to say, our relationship was wonderful from the start.  Our dresser came assembled, and also serves as our changing table.  The crib, however, needed to be assembled... enter Dennis.  Now, we all know that Dennis gets a little frustrated when he has to follow written instructions.  So, I was expecting this to take a little bit of time.  Ummm... 25 minutes!  25 minutes from start to finish.  We woke up early to assemble the crib before our appointment on Wednesday, and I was shocked at the ease it took.  Eight screws and four bolts later Michael has a place to lay his little (or not so little from the ultrasound) head!!  I am  so impressed with the simple, easy to follow instructions, the quality of both pieces of furniture and most of all incredibly grateful that assembly went so smoothly.  Way to be, Land of Nod!  THANK YOU MOM, DAD, JANE AND MIKE for the most amazing gift!!  

After our doctor's appointment Den and I spent a little bit of time adding some details to the nursery.  By the way, BabyGap Home is a wonderful, wonderful find!  The new rage in home decor are the "wall stickers" that require no glue, painting or hassle.  When we found the bedding for MLB we also came across a set of "wall stickers" that matched his set.  Because we are renting for one more year, and painting is such a pain in the a** we went the sticker route!  I'm in love.  I'm in love with all of it!!  Maybe the best purchase we've made yet.  You should check it out...

Crib from Land of Nod and wall stickers from BabyGap Home!!

We are only a few details away from his room being complete.  More pictures coming soon!!

37 Weeks and Shrinking?

37 week appointment = just over 1 cm!  When you dilate isn't the number of centimeters supposed to increase?  I thought so, too.  My belly is measuring in at 39 cm (still two weeks ahead of schedule) and MLB's little heart was perfect at 144 bpm!  I feel wonderful with the exception of the nausea.  It has been pretty consistent for the last couple of days, and I don't have much of an appetite.  I only hope those are signs that this little guy is coming soon!  I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM!!  I'm incredibly nervous about the labor and delivery, but I've got a great birthing plan.  We're going to try the drug free route, so keep your fingers crossed that Dennis makes it out of there alive :)  See the doctor again next Friday.  I hope he's here before then.  Our home is covered in baby items from our shower, so I have a few things to keep me occupied for the time being.  Pics of the nursery up soon!!

An Overwhelming Weekend!!

Post coming soon...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eight Centimeters To Go...

Went to the doc on Friday for our 36 week appointment.  As she was checking me out we discovered that I am dilated two centimeters and slowly but surely making our way to meeting our little man.  My belly is still measuring in two weeks ahead of schedule (38 cm) as is the little peanut.  The doc says we've got about a week or so by her calculations.  I haven't had any contractions (at least I wouldn't call them contractions) or serious signs of labor, just some cramping which I'm sure is me dilating.  And, this is the great part, I only gained a half pound.  Whooaa!!  The only goal I have at this moment is to make it through the baby shower.  Then, this little guy can surprise us whenever he pleases.  Oh, and my feet have decided to blow up to the point where I don't recognize them anymore.  I'm suddenly reminded of how much I loved icing my ankles after ball games, the relief is unbelievable!!  Now... a weekend surrounded by our wonderful families and friends.  Baby shower on Sunday!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dennis' New Gig

Breier Detail at your service.  Dennis has recently taken up the new hobby of starting his own business... a detail shop!  He absolutely loves doing it, and it gives him some alone time in the garage.  Opening weekend was a wonderful success, and every single customer was over the moon with the finished product.  I'm so proud of him and how hard he works for our family.  If you need your car washed, waxed or detailed with a q-tip (which is basically what he does) you just give him a call!  Breier Detail... "exactly like the competition except way better!"

First customer for Breier Detail!!

His favorite part of the job... the tires!!

The Daddy To-Do List!

We recently received gifts in the mail from friends and family for our little peanut, and I quickly threw the assembly of them onto Dennis' "first Daddy To-Do List"!  Let's just say he had some difficulty with the swing (he threw the directions across the room), and an easier time with our stroller.  Next up... the crib!  Should be interesting!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you to Bri, Veronica and Emily for the swing!  Thank you, thank you, thank you Auntie Pam, Auntie Debbie Kane, Aunt Susie, Aunt Sandy and Auntie Deb for the stroller!  We really, really appreciate your generosity, and our son will be more than comfortable (and safe) in his new contraptions!!  XOXO

Maybe a little confused as to what to do next!

Our new stroller and swing!!

The Breier Bistro!!

I wanted to share a few pics with you of my favorite place in our new home... The Breier Bistro!!  Dennis and I planted some flowers and set up a little perch in the corner, which is where we prefer to spend our evenings (when it's warm enough).  I could sit out there all day long!!

Our neighborhood.

My favorite space.

A little summer color.

One Month Until We're Due...

And, this is what we look like!  Ridiculous, I tell you!

(Taken on May 16th, exactly one month before we're due.  We now have precisely 4 weeks left... if he waits that long:)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

HaPpY, hApPy MoThEr'S dAy!!

Happy, happy Mother's Day...

Mom, Jane, Nana, Gramma, Aunties, God Mommies and lady friends with tots :)

We love you all very, very much!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

34 Down, 6 (Maybe) To Go!

Our 34 week appointment was last Friday.  We went through the check list.  Weight... down five pounds since my last appointment.  Probably had something to do with the pneumonia.  Blood pressure... 116/84.  Belly... 36 cm... wait... yep, still two weeks ahead.  So, not only is the little booger two weeks ahead himself, he's forcing my belly to grow at an exponential rate.  Heart rate... 147 bmp.  Lower, but still great.  Our next appointment isn't until the 22nd, and then it's onto visiting once a week.  I can't believe it's almost time.  The last two months have absolutely flown.  Now the butterflies start.  

And... I can't seem to find any crib bedding that I love.  HELP!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

And, the Top Ten Are...

I love seeing this article every year.  Nice to see the traditional names are still on top of the ranks.  Oh, and hey... there's Michael at #2!!

Top 10 Girls' Names of 2008:

1. Emma
2. Isabella 
3. Emily
4. Madison
5. Ava
6. Olivia
7. Sophia
8. Abigail 
9. Elizabeth
10. Chloe

Top 10 Boys' Names of 2008:

1. Jacob
2. Michael
3. Ethan
4. Joshua
5. Daniel
6. Alexander
7. Anthony
8. William
9. Christopher
10. Matthew

Stats courtesy of:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Want to be a Mom Who...

... loves her children unconditionally.  For the good, and for the bad.
... shows her children just how much she loves their father and that our relationship is a priority.
... disciplines out of love, not anger.
... makes time for my family.
... apologizes when I do something wrong.
... keeps promises, as little or as big as they may be.
... is honest and genuine in my answers to questions.
... makes  a home where our children feel safe and comfortable.
... says "yes" more than "no".
... praises our children for being just who they are.
... proves to our kids they can come to us about ANYTHING!
... thinks through my reactions before over reacting.
... thanks her husband every day for giving our family all that he has!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Second Half of April... Starring Michael Lincoln Breier!!

Dennis and I spent the second half of April preparing for our little bundle of joy!

1.  We attended our Saturday birthing seminar (well, half of it)...
I do appreciate the fact that someone took the time to go over all of these wonderful techniques with Dennis and I.  However, I now am a firm believer that nothing can really prepare me for what will happen on Michael's birthday.  I plan on going the drug free route, and have been working on focusing and breathing at home.  But, because I have never given birth before, I clearly cannot fully understand what position will be comfortable at any given time or what will ease the pain.  All I am hoping for is that when the time comes Dennis will help me through the contractions as best he can, and I will do my best in making sure he comes into this world as quickly and as calmly as possible.  Needless to say, lamaze/birthing class maybe isn't our thing.

2.  We bought a family friendly car...

Den really excited about the new purchase!!

Our new 2009 Nissan Versa!!

3.  Had our 32 week appointment in which we learned that maybe our little nugget is ahead of schedule.  This is what we looked like from the outside at about 32 weeks...

31 weeks, 4 days

It seemed as though I woke up one morning and there he was.  All of a sudden my belly had popped, my feet were swollen and the exhaustion had completely taken over my body.  I had been incredibly sick five times, and it just seemed that once I got over one illness another bug jumped into my system.  So, now I'm only working half days in hopes that I'll get enough rest to stay healthier than I have been.  Let me tell ya, a cold knocks my socks off and my world is rocked because of it.  When I don't have a bug I feel wonderful.  Tired, but wonderful!  Most of all, I love watching my belly dance.  He's so active, he simply amazes me every day with what he is capable of doing in such a small space. 

At our appointment we found I had gained six pounds in four weeks bringing my grand total to about 20 lbs, my belly was measuring in at 34 weeks and he seemed to be a little larger than your average 32 weeker from external exam (heartbeat again in the 150s).  So, they scheduled us for an ultrasound just to see where it was our stinker was at and this is what we saw...

Look at that little face! (33 weeks, 4 days)

Weighing in at the size of a 35 week old fetus, 5 lbs. 15 oz. of solid baby and floating in the 85th percentile... OUR MICHAEL LINCOLN!  Now we haven't seen him since week 17 when we found out he was a boy.  So, first on the agenda after making sure he was in perfect condition was confirming that he is in fact a boy.  And... he is!  He's head down, perfectly healthy with a heart rate of 133 bmp.  He's larger than your average baby and has just the finest head of hair.  Realistically, he is just about ready.  A couple more weeks and we're in the clear.  Looks at though (if we go to full term) we'll be having ourselves a boy close to nine pounds.  I can't wait to get some of Dennis' baby pictures up here.  Maybe I'm crazy but already there is a startling resemblance.  I'm in perfect shape, too, which is only good news.  Keri, Michael's God Mother, joined us for the ultrasound.  I'm so happy she had the chance to make it!!  Now, we'll be making visits to UIHC every two weeks to check on the little peanut.  Week 34 starts on Monday!  We're so close! 

4.  We moved into our new home...

After what seemed like the longest week ever, we packed up and moved out of our former house into our new home on Thursday!!  Jane came out to help us with the details, which included everything.  Being that I'm 8 plus months pregnant lifting wasn't exactly on my agenda, neither was bending over.  I had to work half of the day, and when I got home Jane had whipped the old place into order by cleaning her heart out and Dennis and Nathan had packed up a large four bedroom and moved it to the garage in prep for the UHaul to arrive.  THANK YOU, NATE, SCOTT, NATHAN, and especially JANE AND DEN FOR MAKING THE MOVE GO SO SMOOTHLY!  We are now in our new home and slowly putting things together.  I'm not in any rush, and I want to enjoy this experience with Dennis.  The poor guy, moving really wore him out...

Pictures of the new house to come soon!  We're so happy to be back in Iowa City and in a wonderful neighborhood (right next door to Black Stone).  We can't wait to get going on the nursery!!  One room at a time, right?!

A couple of other brief notes about April...

Michael's God Father, Chris, lost his brother in the middle of the month.  Nemo, we love you and you are in our prayers.  On a happier note, Nate (soon-to-be Uncle Natey) was just offered an interview with a new company in Kansas City!  We're so excited for him and his new adventure.  Keep your fingers crossed for him!!

Welcome May!!