Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why Do I Do This to Myself??
Friday, September 25, 2009
Stupid SD Card.
Monday, September 21, 2009
This Little Piggy Went to the Market...
Snaggle Tooth.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sweet Home Chicago!!
Since Dennis accepted his new position with ING Dennis and I have been doing a lot of chatting about our future and where it is we want to end up. Actually, since Dennis and I started dating we have always said we'd end up in Chicago. So, now we're heading to Chicago. The wonderful thing about Dennis' job is he can do it anywhere. Really, ANYWHERE! We have a few reasons as to why now, not later.
- Making the move now is going to be much easier considering we only have one child, who is still incredibly young and will easily get acclimated to any environment he's in.
- We will be closer to both of our families. The majority of my family in Indiana and the majority of Dennis' family in the suburbs.
- Iowa City is wonderful, but who are we kidding. It's a college town. Taking Michael anywhere and having to wrestle the 17 year old in the bathroom for the handicap stall so I can change my sons diaper is getting old.
- Our life has completely done a 180 in the last year, and our friends here are still on the other side of the circle. Although we love our friends, it seems that since we've had Michael they automatically assume that we are locked in our home because we have a child. Sure, when you call you are more than likely to get a no answer when asking us if we want to go out to FAC. But, I only wish people would remember that yes, we have a son, but Dennis and I are also very committed to our friendships. *This does not apply to every friend we have in the area.
- The opportunities for Dennis' business are infinite in Chicago, and he's got a good jump on things because of family and friends.
- Michael and I are kind of in a rut with our routine considering we have one vehicle at the moment. Our choices for recreational activity are kind of limited. Being close to the train and the city will open up the opportunities we have during the day while Den is working.
- I'm lonely. Being a stay at home mom is lonely. Sure, Dennis works from home. However, when he's working he's working. There isn't a "let's all sit on the couch and chat while Daddy works" hour in our home. We'll be staying with Mike and Jane for a bit while we get a down payment together for a new home. Having an adult to chat with during the day will be nice. So nice.
- Our friends (the ones who are willing to call even though we have a child) are in the city.
- The damn drive back and forth is killing us, and our family friendly Versa. I'm so done making that drive.
I'm also incredibly sad about leaving Iowa City. I've been here for almost seven years. Seven years of the best and worst times of my life, but the good definitely out weigh the bad. I have made incredible friends here. I met Dennis here. Dennis has built a network here that simply cannot be replaced. Michael was born here. Breier Detail was born here. Iowa City itself is amazing and will always hold a special place in my liver. The University. I could go on and on. But, I'm ready. We're ready for a change. I want our boy to have every opportunity available to him, and I don't necessarily believe that could happen in Iowa City. So, Chicago... HERE WE COME!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I'm Three Months Old (Exclusively from MLB)!!
How is it that I'm three months old already? Seems like I just got here yesterday (I think Mommy and Daddy would disagree with that statement). You wouldn't believe how I've changed in the last month. Here... let me tell you about it!
- I sleep from 7:30p.m. to 7:30ish a.m. every night.
- I'm pretty picky when it comes to how I sleep, though. I like to eat, be read to and then rock with Mommy for a little bit. When she lays me down she has to put the blanket by my face so I can feel how soft it is on my cheek. Sometimes I pull the blanket all the way onto my face because it feels so good. Oh, and my music has to be on. I'm not picky, just particular. Then I'm out like a light!
- I eat oatmeal and cereal now. In fact, I love it. I prefer it over my bottle even. Breakfast and dinner are my favorite part of the day for that reason alone.
- I giggle when things are funny. I smile when you smile at me. Daddy says I have personality. I think he has personality, too!
- The car is still my favorite place to be. I can sleep all the way to Chicago without waking up once. I know, I'm awesome.
- I have the coolest toys in the world. Rings and rattles and all kinds of things, and they all manage to make it into my mouth. My new favorite thing is my Jumperoo from Gramma and Boompa. There are all of these cool lights and sounds and animal thingamabobbers! A good time it is. Every time I move there's a cool new sound. I'm working on the jumping thing, but I've been told Daddy wasn't much of a jumper either.
- I love faces. I give Mommy love taps on her cheeks. She likes it I think.
- I'm really working on sitting up on my own. We spend lots of time on my tummy (which I don't like at all) and sitting in the high chair and working on what Mommy calls my core. I thought apples had cores so I'm a little confused. I'm not an apple am I?
- I still don't have much hair. It's really, really blonde now. Everyone says I still look like Daddy which I think is great. People seem to like him. I think it's the bald head.
- My cheeks get a lot of attention. Someone once told me it looks like I'm hiding walnuts in them. What are walnuts??
- I have this sharp thing poking through in my mouth that hurts a little bit. I think Mommy called it a tooth but I don't know. What I do know is that I'm not a fan.
- Bears' games are a good time. I get all dressed up to sit on the couch with Mommy and Daddy for three hours. Sometimes they are happy. Sometimes they are not.
- I'm still wearing a size three diaper but I'm in 9-12 month clothing. I'm getting bigger every day. We go to the doctor again in October to see just how much bigger I am! I can't wait!!
- I love to chat. Any time you wanna talk all you have to do is call :)
- I'm a cuddle bug. Any time you want to do that too you know what to do.
I think that's it for right now! If I think of anything else I'll let you know. Time flies when you're having fun and I know how to have fun!!
Phew... Home Sweet Home.
We just got home from a five day trip to Chicago. A five day trip that consisted of just about anything you could possibly think of. What a good time. A good time.
Mikey got the coolest new toy from Gramma and Boompa... THE JUMPEROO. A.k.a. the most fascinating invention of all time. A must for any parent. His toes don't reach the floor yet, hence the box under his feet. He is just beside himself in it. Loves the rattling ball!!
Friday we celebrated Gramma Jane's (29th) birthday! Dinner at Papa Passero's always good. As you will see from the pics we ordered way too much food, however as usual it was all consumed after a night at the Breier bar.
Saturday we spent the day dress/tux fitting! My family came in and we had one big ol' slumber party at Mike and Jane's. Let's also announce that IOWA football has begun and the Hawks won the game (barely). We watched it over a little bit of beer (you'll see below). Oh, and my Dad got on a boat or something. Again, another good time!!
Sunday we spent the afternoon in Schererville celebrating my Grandfather's 75th birthday. GG Wojcik had her hands all over Mikey's cheeks!!
Monday was a day of rest, which meant waking up early to travel home on Tuesday!
Phew, I'm tired.
Mikey's new favorite toy!
Happy Birthday, Gramma!
Our ridiculous amount of food.
The crew and beer.
A little cake, too.
An IOWA family we are!!
Hannah Banana!!
The mothers of the bride and groom.
Our lunch time beverages.
Birthday girl first!!
A long day more MLB.