
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Breiers!! Last week at Mass I read some advice our Priest had posted in the bulletin. He suggested at Thanksgiving to list three people you are thankful for, three things you are thank you for and three experiences you are thankful for. At a Breier Thanksgiving it is tradition to tell everyone before dinner what it is you are thankful for that particular year. Since we are a large group we didn't have the chance to discus the nine things Fr. Gavin suggested, so I'm going to take the opportunity to do that now.

My three people...

1.) My husband. I could go on and on about how wonderful he is. But, given the last year I would just like to hilight a couple of things. For starters, my husband works so incredibly hard. He bares all the weight on his shoulders when it comes to supporting us, and he is aware of this responsibility every day. Just in the last three months Dennis has changed companies (for the better) and I see him every day walking into the office and for hour after hour doing whatever it takes for him to help us meet our goals. My husband also happens to be my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better mate. I wake up every morning reminding myself of how lucky it is I am to get to spend each of my days with him by my side. He also happens to be a phenomenal father to our little boy. My favorite part of the day is seeing them together in the morning during family snuggle time. Michael's face lights up the second he sees Den. Dennis is one of the main reasons we have such a happy child. It's hard not to be smiley when Den is around. For him I am THANKFUL!

2.) Our Michael Lincoln. He is simply the greatest gift we have ever received and I thank God every day that he blessed us with such a wonderful boy. He is everything to us and he makes us want to be better people. I have always said that I would love for our boy to be a better reflection of Dennis and I. Every day I see this happening. He has Dennis' sense of humor and charm and my seriousness when necessary. I go to bed excited to see his smile when I wake up. Oh, and his giggle. Gets me every time. For him I am THANKFUL!

3.) Our Family, especially Mike and Jane. Never at this point in our lives did I think I would say "We're living with my in-laws", however that is exactly where we find ourselves. They have simply given us the means to better providers to our son. We wanted to get back to Chicago for numerous reasons, but more than anything Dennis has always said he pictures our Sunday mornings to go as follows: Church. Breakfast. Bears games at his Mom and Dad's. Now we have that. Without them opening up their home to us that never would have been possible as quickly as it was for us. I know that they love being able to watch Mikey grow, but I believe I love seeing it more. I have a very, very close relationship with my grandparents because I basically grew up in their home. I hope the same thing for my son. Our situation may not be ideal for most, but it is without a doubt the best situation for us right now. We have our Sundays because of Mike and Jane. For them I am THANKFUL!

My three things...

All of which coincide with the others. I am so incredibly THANKFUL for our health, happiness and unconditional love for one another. I think they speak for themselves.

My three experiences...

1.) The birth of our son. Without a doubt the most magical moment in my life. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

2.) Our wedding(s). The first, so intimate and personal. The second, before God and our family. The happiest day(s) of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without Dennis.

3.) Each day with my beautiful family. I just may be the luckiest girl in the world.

With that being said, let me share with you a few snapshots of the festivities. Mike's 1st Thanksgiving was a successful one. He was a trooper with being passed around... AGAIN! I don't know how he does it. His favorite part of the evening must have been when he was given a turkey leg. Well, you'll see.

Our first Thanksgiving.

"Yeah, I'll be taking that."

The turkey leg was a bit much. Had to settle for a baby biscuit.

Week Twenty-Four!!

I'm 24 weeks old!!

Snapshots of the Week (24)

Playing with the Naperville Breiers
Mikey's new talents. Baby biscuits and sippy cups.

Mikey doesn't have grandpas. He has a Papa and a Boompa!!

Daddy makes him laugh the hardest!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Redneck Swimming.

I can't take credit for this. A friend of mine from high school had posted some photos of her little girl in a floatation device in the tub. Since Michael is a fan of a bath I thought we'd spice things up a little bit. Did we ever...

Michael all jacked up about his new bath toys.

Let's get situated!


A fan.

Look at how much fun this is!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Snapshots of the Week (23)

"What? So, I'm naked."

Smiley baby.

This is what we like to call Michael's alone time.

Staring at the airplanes passing over Grandma and Boompa's house.

"How you doin'?"

We Love Bumbo!!

Michael received his Bumbo chair for his Baptism from GodMom Keri. Because we have been so busy (or because I have Mommy brain) I haven't had the chance to pick up the tray that belongs to it. As you can tell from the pics, Michael was a little frustrated with my procrastination.

"Yeah... this isn't gonna work."

Enter Grandma.

"Look at that. Right where I can reach them."

Crisis averted.
Needless to say since these pictures were shot I have picked up the tray that belongs to the Bumbo. We just love that Bumbo!

Week Twenty-Three!!

I"m 23 weeks old!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mr. Sandman...

I wanted to take a second and share with you Michael's favorite sleeping positions...

1. I place his Big Bunny to his left, bink in his mouth, lovie by his face and cover him with his blanket.

2. When Michael is ready to drift off he always turns his head to the right. Never to the left.

3. How I often find him in the morning. Blanket kicked off, Big Bunny on his right and on his face.

Snapshots of the Week (22)

Outside with Mommy on a 70 degree day in November!!

Just chillin' with Mother Nature.


We celebrated GodMom Keri's Birthday!!

He wins the title.

Week Twenty-Two!!

I'm 22 weeks old!!

King of the Wild Things.

I'll eat you up I love you so.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm 5 Months Old (Exclusively from MLB)!!

Hello again friends,

I'm FIVE WHOLE MONTHS OLD!! Whoooaaaa!! I can't wait to tell you about all the cool stuff I've learned to do. Let's not wait any longer, here it goes...

  • The most exciting news... today on my five month birthday I surprised everyone by independently rolling over, OVER AND OVER again! It's my new favorite thing to do. Mommy and I were upstairs and she was cleaning the bathroom. Much to her surprise when she peeked out to check on me while I was on my playmat she found me on my belly! She screamed. She flipped me back over to my original position on my back and BOOP... there I go again. Now that I've realized all I have to do is pick my feet up for some leverage I can't get enough of my cool new manuever. Now if only I could get from my belly to my back. All is good time I suppose.
  • I eat like a horse. I've tried all kinds of new foods. Squash, peas, carrots, all different kinds of fruits and such. But, I must tell you that my favorites by far are applesauce and pears. Oh, and this great stuff Mommy calls juice. There are all these different flavors and I'm a fan of all of them.
  • I really, really, really love my family. They make me laugh so hard. I'm so lucky to have so many people around me who love me so much. MUAH to you guys!
  • I prefer to sleep on my side now (now that I can get there myself). Still have to start the night with my blanket and Big Bunny, and then I make my way to my right side where I still sleep through the night (well, most of the time).
  • I'm an early riser. 6:00 on the dot usually. To bed at 7:30, so if I'm doing my math correctly that 10 1/2 hours of beauty rest, which have you see me lately? It's paying off :)
  • My toes are my new best friends. I love them in my mouth.
  • Sesame Street is a good time. I watch for about 1/2 an hour a day in my swing while Mommy does a few mommy things. I'm a fan of Elmo.
  • I'm close to sitting up all by myself. I assume now that I can roll over all on my own my back will get stronger quickly. I'm setting goals for myself. Sitting up by Thanksgiving and crawling by Christmas. And, believe it or not, I may just have the crawling thing down sooner rather than later.
  • My favorite book is GOOD NIGHT, MOON. Mommy and I read it every night at bedtime along with another story. Those kittens and their mittens are funny.
  • I wear size 12-18 month clothing. HUGE!
  • I get to meet my new pediatrician next month. Now that we live in Darien I am going to be a patient of Dr. Matray. He also happened to be my Daddy's pediatrician which I think is just so cool.
  • I chew on absolutely everything. My feet, hands, toys. You name it. It goes in my mouth.
  • The weather has been so nice lately that Mommy, Gramma and I have been exploring outside a little. We went for a long walk at Waterfall Glen and then we spent a day or so out in the yard playing with leaves and grass. Mommy tells me not to expect days like this too often in November. I just stare at her in agreement.
  • I love, love, love being flipped upsidedown. Mommy and Daddy call it "UP-Side-Down Baby Time". It's a blast!
  • Daddy is teaching me how to play the piano, and by teaching me I mean he plays and I listen. I then take a seat and try to play what he just played. I haven't quite got it yet but I feel like I am close.
  • I boodle so much that my Boompa now calls me Boodle. I hope that some day soon I will be able to put words together. But, for now, boodling is my specialty.
  • I'm horribly torn apart by the play of the Chicago Bears and the Hawkeyes loss to North western. It ruined my last weekend.
  • Mommy and I are going to start taking a baby music class in December so I can meet some kids my own age. I'm really looking forward to it!
  • I have this really funny thing in my mouth that I stick out at everyone around me. I think it's called a tongue. Who knows.
  • It's the craziest thing. Every once in a while Mommy and I will be walking around and we find another little Mikey in certain places in our house. He looks just like me and moves like me and laughs like me. There's another Mommy, too. I don't know where they go when we move, but I think I like 'em.
  • I'm so LUCKY!!

That's it for now. I'll get back to you in a month or so with yet another update. Thanks for reading!!

Bear down,


Friday, November 6, 2009

Michael Liberace Breier

Who knew that our son has a deep passion for playing the piano at such a young age? I sure didn't. He's often in the audience for Daddy's fifteen minute middle of the day sessions, and sometimes likes to tickle the ivories himself. But, today the kid was all about playing- the Beatles. He has delicate hands and is gentle with the keys. It's so crazy. Maybe, just maybe we have a pianist on our hands.

Tickling the ivories.

Playing a little Beatles number.

Look at me go.

I'm better than my Dad.
Still dreaming about music.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rollie Pollie (Part Deux)

Michael has been able to roll to one side or the other for some time now, but has yet to venture to his belly by himself. I think it may have had something to do with the fact that he hates being on his belly. However, in the last day or so he has decided he's a fan of it. Left to right, right to left and then... BELLY!! I caught him in the moment. He has figured out how to remove his trapped arm from underneath him and was incredibly proud of this accomplishment, as was I. Oh, he's getting so big!!

"First, I know I've got to do something with my arm..."

"Look at that! I've got two of them!"

"Ok, ok, here I go!"

"Oh, yeah. Feet, too."
"Mom, that's not exactly a good angle."

"Ah, YES!"


So proud of his accomplishment.
"What's next?"

Snapshots of the Week (21)

"Michael Lincoln B... World's cutest baby..."

Listening to Daddy play him some tunes.

Helping Mommy make breakfast. Although he cannot eat omlets
quite yet he was intrigued with the process.