
Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring? Is That You?

Finally, a day that resembles spring.  Den was excited to get the lawnmower out- this is a man obsessed with his lawn.  As you can see...  this obsession must be genetic.  Michael loved following him around with a mower built just for him.  William took in the warm breeze thanks to his big brother.  Michael chauffered him around the yard until his arms almost fell off (Will’s a big boy)!  I did some much needed gardening, put some summer bulbs in the ground and took in the sight of my tulips singing in the sunshine.  I love tulips- I have 65 or so coming up.  I also painted my new favorite find, a mirror that will hang over our fireplace dated 1954 and is FABULOUS!! 
Pics of this new masterpiece coming soon.  
It was a wonderful afternoon.

My Prince.

(Prince) William and I were up early this morning...
Just in time to catch the Royal Wedding...

Happy Birthday, Boompa!!

happy birthday, boompa!!

We love you to pieces!!

The birthday boy and his grandboys (+ george).

Making wishes!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week Thirty-Six (William Reagan)!!

I'm 36 weeks old!!

I have to include a few other pics with the post on 
Mr. William (and his side-kick, Michael).

Michael, too, wanted to get in on the growth picture.  
It's funny how he remembers just what to do.

Will is on the move these days, well, sort of.  
He is rolling from one side of the room to the other.

He also has two new teeth, LeRoy Brown and Schnickerdoodle.

And, although crawling seems like it's years away, he is making progress.

The Swim:  still his favorite move.

Sorry, no pics of the new teeth quite yet.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Here Comes (A Scary) Peter Cottontail...

What another fantastic (long) weekend!  Easter snuck right up on me this year.  I was able to get everything together just in time for our four day celebration which began with a dinner welcoming Laura Pup back into town.  We then spent Good Friday at Carriage Greens and had our fill of fish.  Saturday (the first day without rain in, oh, two weeks) we enjoyed the Darien Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt.  Don't mind the terrifying Easter Bunny they had at the event.  The boys didn't cry, but I wanted to (enter shivers down my spine).  We also spent some time at Uncle Chris and AJ's celebrating Hannah Banana's birthday.  The weekend ended with Easter Sunday at Gramma and Boompa's after The Bunny visited our house and we spent some time coloring eggs.  Den spent the morning trying to explain to Michael that he couldn't drop the eggs into the dye cups because they would crack.  So, instead Michael gently plopped them into the dye, and whined sat patiently while his eggs were coloring.  The Easter Bunny was very generous to the boys this year.  William's basket was stuffed with teethers, Hip(po)- his new snuggle buddy, books and toys.  Michael was shocked to come down the stairs to find The Bunny had left him a gigantic, two-story car track- which he instantly fell in love with (thank you Nana Lin and Papa).  He also was a fan of the M&M filled eggs and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, but moving on (yes, he had chocolate before breakfast).  He also received books and other items that he barely paid any attention to.  Then we were off to Gramma and Boompa's house for Sunday dinner where the boys were greeted with yet more Easter treats.  Michael's top pick... a golf set!!  He's obsessed.  Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this holiday so special for the boys.

I'm going to need to today off in order to recover from the jam packed weekend.  BTW- the forecast for this week... RAIN!  Can't wait to see my May flowers.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Barber.


Daddy cuts all the (boy) hairs in this house!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!

We're ready to ditch the rain boots and enjoy SPRING!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week Thirty-Five (William Reagan)!!

I'm 35 weeks old...

and this is the best photo my Mommy could get because I don't sit still.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Den (Daddy)!!

Den turned 29 today, and we were lucky to have spent the whole day with him.  Our morning started off by letting Daddy sleep in a little.  Then we were off for some fun at Westmont Yard (our new favorite spot).  You will see from the photos that we did a little bit of everything- which included Den getting stuck in a play structure.  Moving on... the rest of the day was spent working around the boys’ schedules, but needless to say Den relaxed quite a bit, did a little work around the house and then he was serenaded by moi (because the boys don’t sing quite yet).  My super fast “let me get thru this so I don’t embarass myself more than I already have” version of Happy Birthday was followed by birthday cake and ice cream.  Michael and William hated it... PSYCH!  As you will be able to see in the pics Michael was a fan of helping Daddy blow out his candles.  He was also a fan of helping him eat his special cake and ice cream.  The boys are still reaping the benefits of my decorating.  Balloons, balloons everywhere.  
To my husband,
I love you more each day if that is even possible.  
I’m very much looking forward to your 29th year.
Happy Birthday!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Welcome Back, Spring!!

Eight-five degrees in the suburbs today... We’ll take it!!  It was 
wonderful to welcome the warm weather back to the greater Chicagoland area.  We opened all of our windows, did a ridiculous amount of yard work, and my favorite... took a family stroll to the park in the boys’ (sort of) new wagon.  It was a Christmas gift that we have been anxiously storing in the garage (Thanks G.G.)!!
Please brace yourself for the overload of pics.  
I couldn’t pick my favorites.  
Look at those cute little faces...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I would like to introduce you to Michael's best friend, George.  They are inseparable.  George was a gift from Gramma from Michael's first trip to Brookfield Zoo (8 months old) and he's been in Michael's arms ever since.  George sleeps with Michael, eats with Michael, plays with Michael.  In fact, I believe Michael would pay more attention to his brother if George wasn't a part of his life.  But, he loves his monkey more than his brother, what are you gonna do?!  There are times I catch myself referring to George as our third child.  Sad?  Yes.  So, if you see us out and about (with George, of course) feel free to refer to us as the Breier 5!



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hi... Ho... Cheerio!!

Let’s hear it for William!!  Today he took down his first Cheerio with no problem, and then much to my surprise... STARTED FEEDING HIMSELF SNACKS!!  What an overachiever.  I made Michael leave the room so he wouldn’t feel bad about himself (considering he didn’t start doing this until he was about 9 months old).  I feel like every time I blink a month goes by.  Boys, slow down.  Mommy is not prepared for this pace.


There's Something Familiar...

“I think I’ve seen something like this before...”

“Nope, that’s not it...”

“Ahhhh... Yes!  That’s it!”

*Michael’s new obsession... riding in shopping carts facing forward so he can 
Now don't freak out moms... Target has the best carts around.  Forward facing seats...

Week Thirty-Three (William Reagan)!!

I'm 33 weeks old...
and apparently not very happy about it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bubbly Breier Boys

Let the embarrassing "I used to take baths with my brother" photo ops begin!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Finally, the day I've been waiting for.  The boys have started playing together... it makes my heart melt.  I think Michael was just waiting for William to be upright before he graciously gave William his undivided attention (aka stealing whatever toy it is William is playing with).

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Opening Day!!

William the Cubs fan!  (I didn't get any pics of Michael in his 
White Sox stuff, the kid woudn't sit still!)