Happy Thanksgiving from the Breiers!! Last week at Mass I read some advice our Priest had posted in the bulletin. He suggested at Thanksgiving to list three people you are thankful for, three things you are thank you for and three experiences you are thankful for. At a Breier Thanksgiving it is tradition to tell everyone before dinner what it is you are thankful for that particular year. Since we are a large group we didn't have the chance to discus the nine things Fr. Gavin suggested, so I'm going to take the opportunity to do that now.
My three people...
1.) My husband. I could go on and on about how wonderful he is. But, given the last year I would just like to hilight a couple of things. For starters, my husband works so incredibly hard. He bares all the weight on his shoulders when it comes to supporting us, and he is aware of this responsibility every day. Just in the last three months Dennis has changed companies (for the better) and I see him every day walking into the office and for hour after hour doing whatever it takes for him to help us meet our goals. My husband also happens to be my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better mate. I wake up every morning reminding myself of how lucky it is I am to get to spend each of my days with him by my side. He also happens to be a phenomenal father to our little boy. My favorite part of the day is seeing them together in the morning during family snuggle time. Michael's face lights up the second he sees Den. Dennis is one of the main reasons we have such a happy child. It's hard not to be smiley when Den is around. For him I am THANKFUL!
2.) Our Michael Lincoln. He is simply the greatest gift we have ever received and I thank God every day that he blessed us with such a wonderful boy. He is everything to us and he makes us want to be better people. I have always said that I would love for our boy to be a better reflection of Dennis and I. Every day I see this happening. He has Dennis' sense of humor and charm and my seriousness when necessary. I go to bed excited to see his smile when I wake up. Oh, and his giggle. Gets me every time. For him I am THANKFUL!
3.) Our Family, especially Mike and Jane. Never at this point in our lives did I think I would say "We're living with my in-laws", however that is exactly where we find ourselves. They have simply given us the means to better providers to our son. We wanted to get back to Chicago for numerous reasons, but more than anything Dennis has always said he pictures our Sunday mornings to go as follows: Church. Breakfast. Bears games at his Mom and Dad's. Now we have that. Without them opening up their home to us that never would have been possible as quickly as it was for us. I know that they love being able to watch Mikey grow, but I believe I love seeing it more. I have a very, very close relationship with my grandparents because I basically grew up in their home. I hope the same thing for my son. Our situation may not be ideal for most, but it is without a doubt the best situation for us right now. We have our Sundays because of Mike and Jane. For them I am THANKFUL!
My three things...
All of which coincide with the others. I am so incredibly THANKFUL for our health, happiness and unconditional love for one another. I think they speak for themselves.
My three experiences...
1.) The birth of our son. Without a doubt the most magical moment in my life. I couldn't imagine my life without him.
2.) Our wedding(s). The first, so intimate and personal. The second, before God and our family. The happiest day(s) of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without Dennis.
3.) Each day with my beautiful family. I just may be the luckiest girl in the world.
With that being said, let me share with you a few snapshots of the festivities. Mike's 1st Thanksgiving was a successful one. He was a trooper with being passed around... AGAIN! I don't know how he does it. His favorite part of the evening must have been when he was given a turkey leg. Well, you'll see.
Our first Thanksgiving.
"Yeah, I'll be taking that."

The turkey leg was a bit much. Had to settle for a baby biscuit.