What a wonderful afternoon we had. It was time... time for Mikey to meet Jolly Good Ole St. Nick. That's just what we did. The setting: Hinsdale, IL. Santa's village loaded with gingerbread cookie decorating contests, carriage rides and Santa's workshop. It was snowing and we went at the perfect time. No long lines, just a short wait before meeting the big guy. I must admit I was a little nervous for Michael. He's in a stage where he is very aware of who is holding him and who he wants holding him. For Santa's sake, I was hoping Michael didn't break out into a tantrum because he wanted Mommy or Daddy. It was our turn. The door to Santa's Workshop opened and Dennis, Michael, Boompa, Auntie Laura, Meghan and myself piled into the 4' x 8' space. There before us was Santa (a young Santa with a not so real beard). I plopped Mikey down on his lap and instantly he was amused. Big smiles, giggles and a staring contest were part of his four minutes with Santa. What a happy boy. I'm sure he was able to tell Santa in his own words just what it is he would like for Christmas and that he's been incredibly well behaved- except for that little "I don't really want to sleep at night" thing. No coal for this little guy.

Santa's Workshop!

And, just who might you be?

He looks pretty goofy.

No, really. Who is this guy?!
I think I like him!
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