- I'm taking steps... not walking, but definitely taking steps. I can stand all by myself for as long as I want. I can even do squats. But, that walking stuff is still a little scary. Mommy says that I need to be doing it by the time William gets here, so I've got a little bit of time.
- I say all kinds of things. MaMa, DaDa, up, Pup, no! I shake my head yes, and clap my hands when I'm all done eating. I can tell Mommy when I want more of something. Dr. Matray says I can't do two things at once, walk and talk, so I'm working on one at a time. It will be a surprise to you which one I do first!!
- I only get one bottle a day now, right when I wake up. Mommy says that we have to put them away soon and save them for William, so I think that means that I won't be getting that morning bottle before you know it. That's ok with me, I love all of my different sippy cups.
- Speaking of sippy cups, I love anything you can put in 'em. Water is my favorite and every once in a while I get a special treat like juice.
- I can drink from a straw now!! Mommy put one in my mouth and it took me about two minutes to figure it out. Now when we go out to eat I get a special cup with a big kids' straw.
- I bear crawl on cement and in the grass, careful not to scrape up my soft knees.
- My schedule still consists of waking up at 7:00, a morning nap, snack, play, lunch, afternoon nap, snack, play, dinner, play and bedtime at 7:00! It's a busy life.
- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Gymboree class. I know that Mommy has posted some pictures of me on the blog at class with my friends. My favorite part is the Air Log Roll!! I can push this big thing across the room and back all by myself. My classmates aren't too interested in it.
- I also love the pool. But, my favorite water thingamajig is a fountain!! Can't get enough of them.
- I eat my meals with my fingers all by myself, unless of course it belongs in a bowl and Mommy needs to give it to me on a spoon (like ice cream).
- I'm having a big birthday party with friends and family. I'm super excited to see everyone!! It should be a good time.
- Baseball update: the Cubs aren't doing so well, and really, neither are the Sox. Daddy says it's a bad year for Chicago baseball.
- Balls. I love 'em. I throw them and chase them all over the house. All different sizes and I generally throw them with my right arm.
- Tupperware and boxes are my favorite way to pass the time. Gramma has this tupperware cabinet that I spend a lot of time it. Daddy hates picking it up.
- I'm still in 2T clothes, and size 6 shoes. Mommy says it's about time to get me my first pair of Nikes. No idea what those are, but apparently I'm not gonna like them considering I hate things on my feet.
- I can build with MegaBlocks now. We have a box in Mommy and Daddy's room and I love putting them on top of each other and then knocking them over.
- I learned how to flush the toilet and open doors. My parents aren't fans of my new tricks, but I'm super stoked. I like to flush the toilet when Daddy is taking a shower.
- I'm a pro at putting shapes through holes and into a bucket. My milk jar gets me the most excited. I can put FIVE cookies through this little hole and everyone cheers for me when I do it.
- I can hit a baseball off of a tee. I even put the ball on the tee myself.
- I have this bank in my room. We call him Big Blue Dinosaur, he's a big blue dinosaur. He's hungry all the time, so Mommy is teaching me how to feed him these little round things. I'm still working on putting them in his mouth, but I can almost do it.
- I love to jump on beds.
- I can wave Hello and Good-Bye!!
- Auntie Pup is the best at playing peek-a-boo! We play in the kitchen around the island and she scares me every time.
- I yell at the top of my lungs when I'm super excited.
- I crush anything you put in my hands. Even if it's food, I crumble it and then eat it. Don't ask.
- I have new friends at the pool. One's name is Tanner. He's older and bigger than me. I basically just shadow him around everywhere he goes.
- I'm a super good eater still. I do this one little thing that Mommy hates. Every time she puts something in my mouth for the first time I immediately spit it out. I'm just taste testing to see whether or not I like the stuff and make an executive decision as to if I'm going to eat anymore of it.
- Have I mentioned yet how much I love my Mommy and Daddy and family?! Well, I do.
- My favorite part of the day is when Mommy and Daddy get me ready for bed and then Daddy rocks me and sings me these silly songs that he makes up. Mommy's belly is getting to big for me to rest on, and Daddy has lots of space still so that works out great.
- I love to climb up and down everything. Beds. Chairs. Stairs. I've mastered going down stairs!! Whoooaaaa for me!!
- I love to paint. Actually, I love to do anything that involves making a mess.
- I laugh when things are funny. I'm also still practicing all of my funny faces. Squishy face, mad face, excited face. I've got 'em all down like a pro.
- I have three teeth at the moment. My big one on top just cut through yesterday. It's been a rough couple of days while Stanley McHawkerson was making his way in. I named him that because the Blackhawks just won the Stanley Cup!! He's huge and takes over a lot of space in my mouth. Now, just waiting for his buddy next to him to come through. He's right there. I can see him. He's ginormous, too!
- I love celery. That's right. How weird is that?
I've had one heck of a year, don't ya think?! I can't believe I'm so big already and can do so many cool things. We are all looking forward to what year two has to bring. I'm gonna be a big brother soon, and I'll have to show Will how to do all the cool things I've learned. I love being ONE!!
Thanks for following my first year. Keep checking back for monthly updates. I'm sure I'll still have lots of things to say.
Love and Pampers,
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