William Reagan here. I know you are used to hearing from my big brohan, Michael, but there's a "new kid on the blog". Ha ha. That was my first joke!!
Ok, what have I been up to you may ask. Well, let me tell you...
- Although I was born weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz. I now weigh a staggering 11 lb. 6 oz. and I'm 24 inches long as opposed to 21.5. I'm in the 97th percentile in both categories. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I love to eat.
- Newborn clothing? Pllleeaaassse. Say hello to 3-6 month clothing. Thanks to my big brother for letting me where some of his old stuff. It fits like a glove.
- I hate taking baths. Really, I don't like them at all.
- I have an elf ear from sleeping on the right side of my face. I'm sure it will eventually look like the one on the left.
- I love tummy time. I'm already holding my head up really well.
- I'm still up every three hours for feedings. I think Mommy and Daddy would appreciate it if I went a little longer in between them. I'm workin' on it.
- I have dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes at the moment. I've been guaranteed that both of those things will eventually change.
- I poop every two hours. Yep, I'm really good at it.
- I can't sit still. I have to be rocked, bounced, moved about in order for me to be comfortable.
- I'm gassy. There's no other way to put it.
- I'm eating 4 oz. every three hours.
- I have a very small hernia by my belly button. D-Mats says it will go away on its own.
- I'm very well behaved compared to my brother. What's this word NO Mommy and Daddy keep tossing out in his direction?
- I LOVE cuddling up next to my mom in the middle of the night. Daddy snores and it's noisy.
- I know I had kind of a rough start when I was born, but things are looking great. My doc tells me that I look good. I feel good, too.
- I have piano playing hands and the feet of a chimpanzee.
- Not really a fan of the pacifier.
- I love being on my play mat. Just working on reaching my toys.
- I'm very loved. I can feel it.
That's all from me at the moment. We'll catch up again next month. I plan on sleeping through the night by then. Keep your fingers crossed for Mommy's sake!
Snips and Snails,
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