
Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree. Oh, Christmas Tree!

One of my favorite days of the year.  We ventured out to cut down our Christmas tree today.  The weather was considerably nicer than it has been for a week or two, almost 40*.  Michael was in love with stomping in the snow and splashing in the puddles.  He followed his Daddy around until we determined that we had found "THE ONE"!  I take this very seriously.  The tree has to speak to me in order for me to give my approval for Dennis to chop it down.  Den has become a fan of this tradition.  You may remember that last year I got a little grief about having to cut down our tree ourselves.  This year... NO COMPLAINTS!  Den zipped up his Paul Bunyan Carhartt, grabbed his gloves and hopped right into the mix.  Den and I enjoyed decorating it with a glass of wine and Christmas tunes echoing throughout our house.  Michael's face lit up when he saw it, quite precious!  Now, to get through my long list of to-dos before the holiday...







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