Weeds- our boys grow like weeds. It blows my mind how quickly each of them outgrows something. Today, it just so happened to be the Bumbo chair and infant car seat for William and Michael's second car seat (which of course is now William's second car seat). William started pushing up so hard with his feet in his Bumbo that he can lift it off of the table. Time to pack that amazing little invention away. First, I'll have to pry Will out of it because his thighs get wedged in so tight. Will has needed to be out of the infant car seat for about two weeks now, but I'm a researcher. So, I had to find the perfect seat for that would accommodate Michael for the next couple of years because he is ridiculously tall and of course the seat he was in didn't give him enough space between his seat and the passenger seat of the car. Enter our third car seat in twenty months. The Graco 3-in-1! Michael LOVES, LOVES, LOVES this car seat. Right when I took it out of the box he demanded that I strap him in, which is how he sat for 45 minutes enjoying his new space. William, too, loves his "new" car seat and the room it allows for him to get comfortable. I, on the other hand, miss the convenience of an infant carrier. I'm off to pack up that baby until Baby Breier #3!!

See. He's a little big for the Bumbo :)
Michael's new favorite spot!!
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