
Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Favorite Job.

I am an incredibly lucky woman.  I married the man of my dreams.  He has given me two beautiful, healthy boys.  I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with them and in doing so find that I have the "job" I have always dreamed of.  My days are spent watching two little people discover who they are.  Fireworks is what I call it.  Our daily routine is filled with fireworks.  Moments where each of them discovers something for the first time and you can see the pride they take in their newest accomplishment.  Sure, there are days that are much harder than others.  There are days where I honestly believe I can't pick up one more toy or fold one more piece of laundry.  And, then there are days that I wish would never end.  Days where I read six books at bedtime instead of the standard three because I just want to catch a few more moments with them.  So let me just say I am so lucky that I have the chance to watch each moment of each day, whether it was a fantastic day or a long one.  I get to be home with my kids, right where I believe I'm supposed to be.

Today I was given the gift of sleep.  I slept until 10:00 AM which is unheard of in these parts.  I woke up in a panic- MICHAEL NEEDS MILK... WILLIAM NEEDS A DIAPER and then my racing mind was put at ease when I heard Michael's infectious laugh dancing through the windows that had been open all night.  I came downstairs to find breakfast and a plethora of flowers decorating our outdoor space.  My kids were rolling around in the grass with their dad.  It was wonderful.  I have never been happier in my whole life.  How lucky am I?

Michael Lincoln,
You are a perfect child.  As perfect as any almost two year-old can be.  You push me every day to find patience and understanding.  You make me laugh until I cry.  I'm always anxious to see what your next move will be.  You move faster each and every single day, and I am well aware that the day will soon come when I will not be able to catch you.  You smile when you know you are in trouble, it makes my heart melt.  You are amazing and wonderful.  I love you, Monkey.

A brand new Michael Lincoln.

William Reagan,
Each day you blow my mind.  You are always smiling.  Really, always.  Between each bite of food, during diaper changes, even after your brother clobbers you with a toy... SMILING.  You came into this world not wanting to eat, and now that's all you do.  You love life and take such pleasure in the smallest of things.  You have a permanent spot on my hip- your happiest place.  Often, your cheek finds my shoulder and we spend minutes together enjoying the silence while your brother naps.  You have taught me how to manage my time and my temper.  You are so genuinely sweet, Nugget, and I love you.

A brand new William Reagan.

So... to my "favorite job"... I love you both more each day than the one before it.  Thank you for being you.


Happy Mother's Day to the wonderful women in our lives.  
I couldn't do this without you.

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