
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hoe Down.

We had a little free time this weekend, so we took off to Darien to see what this Hoe Down business they were having in the park was all about.  Needless to say we were a little disappointed.  The only person who enjoyed the petting zoo was Mike, and he wasn't even that big of a fan.  Michael refused to touch the animals or go near them for that matter.  So, we spent an hour walking around and waiting in line for a hayrack ride.  Michael's favorite part of the trip, experiencing popcorn for the first time.  Did he love it!!  I'm just happy that I was able to take a few cute pics of Mikey.  William was asleep the entire time- shocker, I know.  He stayed warm (it was freezing out) in the stroller as we toured Community Park for something exciting to do.  It was nice to get out of our almost put together house for a little bit.  Man, am I exhausted!






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