
Monday, October 18, 2010

There Once Was A Chair...

When we moved into our new home we were in desperate need of some furniture.  Dining room.  Sitting room.  Family room.  So many empty spots that needed a little company.  Enter CraigsList.  So, I did what I do best... BARGAINED!  My first project was our dining room.  I found an amazing solid oak table that I loved.  It screamed "They sell pieces like me at Pottery Barn" without the Pottery Barn price tag.  But, it didn't come with any chairs.  I looked for days, sent countless emails and finally came across some beauties that needed a little TLC and a coat (or three) of paint and some new upholstery.  I spent the past weekend whipping them into shape.  I went down the checklist.  Remove seats.  Sand.  Clean.  Prime.  Paint.  Dry.  Paint again.  Dry.  Paint again.  Reupholster seats. Scotchguard.  Dry.  Reassemble.  Admire.  I love the finished product.  I was a little skeptical that the fabric I chose wouldn't look so polished with black furniture, but I was in utter shock when we put them together and the heavens parted.  Now, onto the buffet table- which I am also stripping and refinishing.  Just working my way through our house, one piece of furniture at a time.

The chair before.

My assistant.

New fabric.

After a good sanding, priming and three coats of paint.


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