
Monday, October 10, 2011

The Patch

The Patch
(and our second wedding anniversary)
I promise to repeat myself every year... our annual pumpkin patch trip is my favorite trip of the year, by far!!  It may only last thirty minutes, but I get goosebumps deciding between gourds, pumpkins and hay bales.  It’s an illness.  I was so excited about our trip this year because I figured Michael might actually understand the concept of choosing a pumpkin.  He did!  I was so proud.  I’m known for scouring the choices for the perfect shape, color, size and of course perfect stem.  He seems to have inherited this gene, which could make me cry.  He walked through the patch, eyeing each pumpkin until he set his eyes on a beauty and cried when I picked it up because although he might understand the picking one out process he is yet to understand the we get to take it home portion of the experience.  William was also so wonderful on this excursion.  He was so content playing with a Radio Flyer handle the entire time we were there, except when he decided that he was going to climb on top of a mammoth pumpkin and keep post.  Ugh, melts my heart.  After carefully selecting an array of orange and white beauties we called it a day to come home and watch the Bears be embarassed by the Lions.  Not exactly how I wanted to end a wonderful weekend.

On a different note, today also marks our second, second wedding anniversary.  Each year we celebrate two dates, July 24th when I actually became Mrs. Breier and October 10th, when we celebrated our marriage with our family and friends.  So, in July we spend the day alone together and celebrate with a date and in October we spend the day with our family, especially our boys.  These are traditions that mean everything to me.  To be able to celebrate with the man of my dreams and our loving supporting family is really a blessing.  

For Den, I love you more each day.  I didn’t think it was possible, but you are proving me wrong.  K.

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